Supporting the festival means believing in the value of culture and of the projects that arise from the passion of those who work to make them possible: Cortona On The Move was born this way, from the impetus and enthusiasm of a group of friends who sowed the seeds of that which has now become one of the most interesting photography festivals on the international scene.
Culture needs the support of those who love it and, thanks to your contribution, it will be easier to create a festival that is increasingly rich in content and opportunities.
Help us grow the festival with a donation!
Are you an international donor?
By joining our Membership and supporting Cortona On The Move with a donation, you will automatically become part of the COTM International Family.
You will receive a membership card and a special Cortona On The Move Christmas card in December – a small gift from your Italian family!
To make a simple, voluntary donation to the ONTHEMOVE cultural association, you can issue a bank transfer to:
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
Address: Viale Santa Margherita 43/a, 52100, Arezzo (Italy)
IBAN: IT12X0306925407100000001408
indicating “voluntary donation” as the reason for payment